
Snooze makes on-call more bearable by allowing users to silence paging on unactionable or less-urgent alarms for a specified period of time. At the end of the defined time window, the incident will resume paging the on-call user.

How to Snooze an Incident

Triggered or acknowledged incidents can be snoozed by clicking the clock icon on the incident cards in the incident pane. The icon is found in the upper right-hand corner of the card.

Clicking this icon prompts the user with a modal to select an end time for the snooze. Incidents can be snoozed in 30-minute increments up to 24 hours.

After an incident is Snoozed, a new incident message is sent to the Timeline indicating who snoozed the incident and the expiration time:

The incident will remain under the Acknowledged tab in the Incident Pane until the snooze expires. If a triggered incident is snoozed, VictorOps will automatically move it to Acknowledged. If an acknowledged incident is snoozed, it will remain acknowledged.

When Snooze Expires

When a snooze expires, the incident will begin paging the on-call user for the previously paged escalation policy. If the incident didn’t have a policy associated (example: the incident was created manually and sent to a single user), then that user will be paged.

Changing Snooze Expiration Time

If you need more time for a different task or have simply selected the wrong expiration time, it’s easy to modify the snooze. Click on the Snoozed Until link, as indicated in the image below.

Now select a new expiration time for the snooze.

Rerouting/Resolving Snoozed Incidents

Snoozed incidents can be rerouted or resolved. Both of these actions effectively end the snooze.

Cancelling Snooze

Didn’t mean to snooze? Simply reroute the incident to yourself to cancel the snooze.

Who can Snooze?

Anyone can snooze any triggered or acknowledged incident. If a user snoozes an incident that was previously acknowledged by someone else, that incident becomes snoozed/acknowledged in that user’s name.

Only the user who snoozed an incident can modify the snooze time on the incident.


Updated on October 24, 2019

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